You know what? Web apps are now more in use as compared to websites because now all of the population possess mobile phones as the core communication medium and they don’t have the time to open their laptops for accessing websites for any sort of work.
A custom android app development company not only works on the app design and development but also considers the profitability and development of web apps that will make things quite easier and smoother for them.
There are different categories of web apps that cliente ask for from the company they’re planning to work with, however, in this article we will discover the amazing categories of web apps that are trending in the market and acquired by a lot of clients.
Are you excited to explore them with us? Let’s get started then!
Different Categories Of Web Apps Available For The Clients
Web apps come in various types and clients choose the one that best suits their case studies and requirements. With the appropriate technologies and other primary factors, we will discover each one of them one by one:
01.Static Web Apps – Oldest Form of Web Apps
The first category of web app that we are going to discover is a static web app that consists of pre-rendered content that does not change dynamically like dynamic web apps.
The overall content is directly delivered to the user based on the Brower’s requirements without any interaction with the database. Means there isn’t any server-side processing required for the static web apps.
It comes with technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the use cases for them include; personal portfolios, informational websites and basic static company profiles that require less customization.
It is quite simpler to be deployed and simpler than any other web apps to be used. However, the limited functionalities and no user interaction is hard to handle and requires real time data and inputs from the client side.
02. Dynamic Web Apps – Much Simpler To Be Deployed
The second type of web apps that we are going to discover is, Dynamic web apps that load with a single HTML page and are easier to handle and update the content as per the user’s interaction.
It doesn’t require reloading the entire page; hence, all the interaction happens through AJAX requests. The technologies used for dynamic web apps include JavaScript frameworks, like React.js, Angular and Vue.js.
The use cases include gmail app, facebook app and google maps that are widely used by the clients worldwide for their regular basis working.
Its’ faster and comes with seamless user experience with no full page reloads, hence behaves quite similar to a native app. However, it might require complex development criteria, and can have issues with SEO optimization and other tools integration which needs experienced consultation for better results.
03.Progressive Web Apps – PWAs
The third category of web apps include PWAs that are a perfect blend of the features of native apps along with web based technologies. These apps work perfectly offline and don’t require an active Internet connection for operations.
These can be added to the home screens of your mobile devices, and offer similar to a native like functionalities – not to forget offline.
The technologies include, HTML, CSS and JavaScript that often include React, Angular and Vue for better results. The use cases include Twitter Lite, Pinterest App that is actively used by the social media enthusiasts, and Starbucks apps.
As we’ve discussed before, it offers offline capabilities and acts like a native app with improved loading speed but can be installed on the mobile devices for limited access as compared to actual native application.
A professional web application development company will always discuss these scenarios beforehand, because any mishap after the development of the entire web app is going to be risky and costly for both parties.
04.Single Page Web Apps – SPWAs
On fourth we have Single Page Web Apps that load with a single HTML page, and don’t require much effort hence, the loading time is less.
It allows the users to dynamically update the content as per the requirements, and all the interactions happen within the AJAX requests.
Some of the well known case studies and well used apps of these include Gmail, Google Maps and Trello. It’s quite easier to be deployed and used and people love to explore the interesting features of these kinds of web apps within the market.
05.Content Management Apps – Known as CMS
It’s really hard to find someone, even a student who is studying computer science or a related field, has learnt enough about the content management apps as they are bringing ease in a lot of operations.
A CMS web app allows the users to create, manage and modify the content based on the website’s preferences, and needs no specialized technical knowledge.
It comes with different technologies like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla and people love to use such apps.
WordPress is a well known CMS in the digital world and you can upload different blogs easily through this CMS by simply using the push and post feature.
It’s quite easier to be ipreate, and manage however may require some plugins for better results like Yoast for SEO optimization, and other plugins.
06.Ecommerce Web Apps for Entrepreneurs
Lastly, the best mobile application development companies prefer to work on the development of Ecommerce web apps that are bringing ease for both the sellers and buyers.
By simply creating a single marketplace for both the parties, they can allow them to interact with each other online using their mobile phones.
WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento and a lot more CMS are active examples of Ecommerce web apps used by online shoppers to build an interactive marketplace.
Amazon is a great example of an Ecommerce web app and you can explore its amazing features to get a better idea. And the best mobile application development company will always encounter these aspects for you.
So, what’s’ your take on this?
We tried to cover all the aspects and categories of web apps that are leading the way in the digital world. However, if you still have some queries in mind then, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.
We would love to get back to you with ore exciting topics and findings related to web apps or relative terms.